Monday, May 5, 2008


I thought I was going to die last night from food poisoning. Ok, that's a bit of an exaggeration but I can't remember the last time I was that sick. It's hard to pinpoint it on exactly what I ate: an apple and a squash quesadilla for breakfast, a hummus wrap for lunch, a latte, and leftover Indian food for dinner. It may have just been the combination of spicy, zesty foods brewing in my stomach that did it. Whatever caused the trouble, it was a rough night. It's too bad, because all of those foods were among my favorites (not any more...), and I usually have a strong stomach.

I ate half of a bran muffin and some leftover ice cream (mint brownie chunk). David picked up some frozen yogurt and gatorade for me (the blue kind), and I plan on spending the day on the couch sleeping, watching TV and recovering. I'm a little disappointed: today is my first day of unemployment, and I was planning on packing, going to the bank, etc. to prepare for vacating my apartment on Saturday. Still, it's nice to just be sick and lazy and not have to worry about calling the boss or rescheduling appointments.


Dan said...

I vote for the Indian food being the culprit, although I've warned you before about those Trader Joe burritos...

Helen said...

I could barely walk past the refrigerated foods aisle in Trader Joes' this morning! I think my days of Trader Joes' burritos are over.