Monday, May 12, 2008

My Monday

I went to David's drawing class with him this morning; it required getting up early, but it was worth it. As we were leaving, his roommate and roommate's friend were just getting to bed and were having a conversation about their pickle preference. I was tired, but not too tired to find that really funny: the friend is a massive guy who would probably scare me if I met him on the street, but he was going on and on about his favorite type of pickle: why it's better than all other pickles.

Anyhow, it takes about an hour to get to UMass from Cleveland Circle. On the train I ate a muffin. We were late, but that didn't really matter, since when we arrived people were filling out course evaluations. David got me set up and we drew a naked man for about 2 hours. One thing that this model did that others I've had have not: he stayed nude the entire class, even when taking a break. Usually, they throw on a robe or awkwardly redress, but he walked around the room looking at drawings. It's sort of weird to have a naked guy come up to you and stand uncomfortably close while he looks at your interpretation of his body. I liked how my work turned out, even though it was not anatomically correct; I need to work on my proportions. One hand was huge, the other hand was small, etc.

I stopped by Trader Joe's on my way home to get some provisions: I had a meal idea a couple weeks back, and wanted to make it for David and his roommate to say thanks for helping me move the other night. The idea combines two of David's favorite foods into a superfood: nacho pizza. I think it turned out well. I also made some truffles based on a recipe I found in a magazine, and Carolina-style coleslaw for our work potluck tomorrow. Wait, work potluck you say? But... don't you currently not work? This week just so happens to be Cait's 1) birthday 2) wedding and 3) one-year anniversary of her kidney transplant, so we're celebrating these milestones with a lunchtime potluck. The theme is Southern Barbeque, because Cait's fiance is from the South and she's adapted well to Southern cooking. Crap. I forgot to get her a card.

The search for a subletter for David's place goes on. Mike, the kid who saw it the other night, found another place, and David was pretty bummed, since Mike was very enthusiastic. He posted again though and has already had a few promising prospects. Fingers crossed. On a related note, someone bought my easel the other night, and I just got an email inquiring about my folding chairs. I'm most worried about getting rid of those; they're too cumbersome to ship, but I paid too much to just leave them. Fingers crossed.


Dan said...

Nacho Pizza?! I am so looking forward to your cooking!

Helen said...

Great! I'm excited to cook more.