Sunday, May 17, 2009


So... my first post in nearly a month: I've been pretty busy with school and my internship. The work isn't too hard, though it is challenging and keeps me on my toes. It's basically just a lot of stuff all at once.

This weekend was really cool: the folks at my internship organized the International Food Blogger Conference, so I got to attend it (well, work it). There were a lot of prominent food bloggers talking about everything from writing to photography to ethics and legal issues. My main responsibilities were set-up and maintenance (busing tables, brewing coffee, odds and ends, etc) but I also monitored/contributed to the Twitter feed during the sessions. I got some great stuff out of that which I can use in my classes.

One guy, who I will refer to as Inappropriate Twitter Guy, was interesting. He is a food blogger and sex educator (something tells me that it's less high school gym class sex-ed and more of something that interested adults pay good money for) and some of the stuff he said was a little weird. The other interns and I got a nervous laugh out of some of what he included the group on. As proof, here is his entire feed from the event:
-Great gift bags at #ifbc, though wouldn't it have been cool to include mojito peppermint lube:
-someone finally talking about sex at #ifbc!
-On the plus side: easier access to men's restroom than women's restroom at #ifbc (but i'm willing to make men's coed)
-Overheard at #ifbc: Food porn is good, but real porn is better.
-Careful. At #IFBC, food porn session is talking about hand...shots.
-Did I miss the "porn" part of the food porn session? #ifbc
-Sex educator in me should applaud the pineapple at today's IFBC breakfast. One of the best foods for our sex lives. #ifbc
-FINALLY! Someone used "porn" with the right meaning. #ifbc
-(BTW, some porn people rock, too.) #ifbc
-In response to my pineapple comment, people at break asked other good sex foods, so I offer: kiwi and celery. #ifbc
-And...chocolate is an aphrodisiac...banned for women during Aztec times. (I think this is when the feminist movement really began!)

Umm... yeah. The rest of the event was great. As you might expect, there was plenty of excellent food, most of which was not designed for the animal-product adverse (there were some definite veg-haters in the room), so I pretty much just ate bread. Not a problem: bread is probably my favorite food in the world, and this was good bread. Still, I'm glad it's done and I can spend the week focused on school. I need to do the recordings for two podcasts, a ton of reading and some stuff for a group project focusing on a social media strategy for Habitat for Humanity. Plus, I really, really want to cook a whole bunch now.

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