Monday, February 2, 2009

Groundhog Day

Happy Groundhog Day! In case you hadn't already heard the news: Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow and has predicted 6 more weeks of winter. He's seen his shadow 97 times in the past 122 years, so it's no big surprise there. If this means more clear and beautiful days like today, I'll take it. If it means more snow, then damn you Phil!

Because I don't have a bus pass anymore, I walked a nice little 4-mile loop this morning: from my apartment to the temp agency downtown to Trader Joe's and back home. I wanted to stop by the bank and visit the library before my 9:30 appointment at the temp agency, so I left at around 8. The first branch of Wells Fargo I came to didn't open until 9, so I kept on walking until I got to the library, which is about a mile and a half away. It was 9 by then, but they didn't open until 10. Curses! For some reason I thought they would be open; should have double checked. Fortunately, the big Wells Fargo tower is right around the corner, so I was at least able to deposit my check.

The temp agency tested my proficiency in typing, Word, and Excel. I scored 94% on Word, 80% on Excel, and type 53 words/minute with 90% accuracy. This confirmed my belief that while I am not the best typist, I am indeed a Microsoft Word master. The only question I missed was a stupid one: formatting margins, which I absolutely can do (it was a different version of Word than I am used to, and the next question showed me where to find it). I'm hoping that the agency can find a few days of work for me here and there.

So now I'm sitting on the couch. When I returned from Trader Joe's, I made a sandwich (grilled soy cheese and tomato on rye: pretty freakin' delicious) and did some dishes. I also dumped a few expired things from the fridge: there is nothing that smells worse than milk 1 month past it's expiration date. Don't judge me: I don't drink milk. I should work on my portfolio, which is due next week, and I've got to make some phone calls to figure out some bills, but I think I'm coming down with something and am tired. The couch is looking mighty inviting for a nap. Must... resist...

Ok, just a little one.

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