Sunday, January 11, 2009

Blast from the Past

I had coffee with Lindsey this afternoon, a different Lindsey than the one I've written about before. This Lindsey was my best friend from kindergarten until 2nd grade, when her family moved to Santa Fe. She's been living in Seattle for a couple of years, and found me on Facebook; Courtney, my neighbor across the street, and Lindsey's sister, Jamie, were good friends, and their moms still keep in touch. Kathy (Courtney's mom) told my mom that Lindsey was in Seattle a while ago, and of course my mom mentioned that to me (as in, repeatedly hounded me to Facebook her) but I hadn't followed up.

Anyhow, we got together for coffee. It was weird to see her again after all these years; she looks exactly the same as she did when we were little. There was a fair amount of awkward silence, which always leads me to ask ridiculous questions just to fill it, but I'm glad we got together: I had been wondering for a while what happened to her. After living in Santa Fe for 4 years, her family moved to Santa Barbara. She went to UCSB and moved here after graduation, after spending a few months in Tanzania. She worked at a preschool for a while, and is now a grad student. She lives with her boyfriend, Brian, an electrician who she has been dating for 7 (!) years. She still plays soccer, but is a lot girlier than she was when she was 8. I'm not sure if we will be friends again, though I liked her. I'm thinking of seeing if she and her boyfriend want to get drinks with David and me some time.

It's crazy to think that Facebook made this all possible. The program I just applied to focuses heavily on the impact of social networking sites like Facebook, and I'm really starting to appreciate its role in my life. Along those lines, Len sent me this morning a copy of the recommendation he wrote; he made mountains out of molehills, in a favorable way: my work sounds like actual accomplishments, and I am a little more confident about what I have to bring to the table because of it. I also feel a little guilty, because I didn't do anything he wrote about as well as he said I did it. I'm going to be really nervous until I hear the verdict from the admissons committee, but after fooling around in CS4 all afternoon, I won't be crushed if I don't get in; I'll be perfectly happy doing the graphic design program at Seattle Central.

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