Tuesday, December 2, 2008


My interview went ok this morning. She seemed excited that I'm learning Illustrator, but I don't think we really clicked. Nothing bad, just a few awkward silences. The position would be interesting: helping to plan and market special events. I loved planning stuff at my old job, and am looking to get more into marketing. Still, earning only $900 in the course of three months isn't ideal, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make.

The office move is going well and it's keeping me busy; now that we're in the final stages, I can just pack everything instead of just the things we wouldn't probably use. We've got a mailing going out on Thursday, and putting labels and stamps on postcards is boring, but I can sit at my desk and listen to music.

I was a little hurt today that I wasn't invited to a meeting that everyone else was in; the topic was "outstanding design". They tried to define "outstanding design" in order to further develop the firm's vision and brand. I'm not a designer, but I, like everyone, have an opinion on what good design is. Plus, Carol isn't a designer and she was included. Nikki is an IT/CAD tech, not a designer, and she was included. I'm probably just being over-sensitive, and attending it would have been a waste of time, but the fact that I flat out wasn't invited when everyone else in the office was made me feel excluded and just reinforced that I am not really a part of the team. Being a "designer" is everything to my coworkers, and this felt like a division, a way to emphasize that I am just there to do the crap they don't want to do. Which is true: the fact of the matter is that I am the lowest rung and I just need to accept that. Sorry for another rant.


Dan said...

Receptionists are always taken for granted. The receptionist at our corporate office (the public face of our $8 Billion division) wasn't included in the all-important 'customer service', 'corporate culture' meetings this fall. She had no exposure at all to the most important part of the presentations, the 'mood elevator'. Never heard of it, until I explained it to her.

Don't feel bad, everybody overlooks the importance of the receptionist.

Helen said...

Thanks Dan! I know that it's just a part of the job.