Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Good news! Well, Maybe.

Today marked 6 months at my job, and tomorrow I'm going to quit: I will be interning at a marketing and event-planning company for three months starting January 7. It's probably the stupidest thing I've ever done, given the economy: leaving a regular, paying job for a temporary, part-time deal with a very small stipend. But, this sounds like a fun opportunity in an area I am interested in; I loved planning events at my old job and am looking to exploring marketing. Plus, I will actually be working on projects and helping to put together events; my efforts will have a tangible outcome that I can be proud of. I am really excited.

I wanted to quit on the spot today before I even found out about the internship offer; it was just a bad day. I was grumpy to begin with (didn't sleep well), and the repetitive motion of sealing and mailing our holiday cards just put me in a worse mood. Plus, I made a mistake on a mailing I shipped off to Canada last week, even though I had Customer Service personally walk me through it as I prepared the shipment, which irritated a couple of people and made me stay later than I had planned (ok, 3:30, no big deal, but I had done nothing but sit around for the hour and a half before the problem was brought to my attention (at 2:57) so I was ready to go home). This incident wasn't all that important: people make mistakes, and it was my first time preparing an international commercial shipment. It's just that I don't do a lot and I want to do what I do do right. And, someone in Canada needs those documents!

So, I am optimistic about the future but a little scared. I'm hoping that I will learn a lot and will have many more marketable skills when I am done, at least some concrete experience, and marketing and graphic design often go hand-in-hand: the interviewer (my new boss) was pleased that I was learning Illustrator. If I stay at my current job for another three months, I will be in the same place in my career and still unhappy. It's going to be a challenge financially, but I have been saving a decent chunk of my paycheck each month and will get by until it's over. Plus, I know that even part-time jobs are hard to come by, but I will try to get one. What scares me is that I won't be able to get a real job when the internship ends.

Does this mark the end of my complaining about my job all the time? I sure hope it does!


Unknown said...

Are you sure you should just quit? It won't look bad when you go looking for another job?

Helen said...

I'm going to give 2 weeks notice and everything; I'll work there until the 7th if it makes it easier for them. And since my internship is only part time, I'll be available to fill some gaps until they can find a replacement.

I know the traditional idea is that you give a job a year, though I've been told by career counselors that as long as you can provide a potential employer with a good reason for leaving before then, you should generally be ok.

Unknown said...

I just thought you were going to quit with out notice. I don't think you should have a problem considering you will have a new job before ending the old one.

Good Luck! I hope you like it and everything works out for you. It sounds like a lot more fun.

Dan said...

Plus, you won't have to worry about scratching your desk!