Friday, May 16, 2008

My day, in reverse

David and I are sitting on the couch. He got a haircut today and will shave his beard shortly for drill tomorrow. We just finished watching "The Office" online; I think it was the season finale, and it had some pretty funny parts, though ultimately I think the writer's strike killed the show. We went to Katie's (Chad's girlfriend) Senior Show this evening; I was really impressed by her work. She uses layers of vivid paint on canvas and paper, which creates a sort of textile effect, like clumps of yarn. She's sold two already, which is pretty cool. David and Chad talked, while I enjoyed a glass of Sangria. I've been playing phone tag with a woman at a Staffing agency in Seattle, and I went out to the lobby briefly to call her, only to get her voicemail.

Other than that, I went for a swim at the gym's underground pool and baked some pumpkin bread; it's a recipe that I'm still perfecting. I read that you can substitute applesauce or yogurt for oil to make a healthier loaf, and this time I tried both since I had both in the fridge (plus a bit of oil because if you don't add any the dough gets weird). I also added currents, and think it turned out well. The one problem with the recipe is that it makes an insane amount of bread: must be something about the proportions of a can of pumpkin to everything else. Fortunately, I'm hanging out with Erik tomorrow and going to a party at Sarah Lim's old apartment in the evening, so I can pawn off some of it on them. I'm counting on David to help me with the rest.

We slept in pretty late since we're getting up early tomorrow. David needs to be out the door before 7, and Erik's going to call me (after buying Madonna tickets from his work computer) so we can figure out what we're going to do. The initial plan was to have him and Dan over for breakfast, then go to their garden plot. But, it's raining, and Dan's grandfather died yesterday and he had to go out of town, so Erik and I are going to play it by ear instead. I'm going to think of some activities.

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