Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I'm not really sure where today went; it's pretty easy to lose track of time when you don't have anything definitive on your schedule. This isn't to say that I was unproductive: I walked to Washington Square to Coolidge Corner and back to Washington Square to pick up some things at CVS and TJ's, and went to the bank, returned a movie, found some cardboard boxes for shipping, and donated some old books along the way. I made some lunch and went for a run around the Reservoir when I got back, and started to organize the recipes I've been collecting in an album.

David had his first final exam this afternoon (he says it went well), and was tired when he came home. I was tired too from all the walking, so we took a nap. He played a video game while I ate cereal and applied for a job (as a receptionist at an architecture firm- I could totally do that), and now we're watching TV. Well, I'm watching TV: it's the season finale of America's Next Top Model. Don't judge. Later, we're going out to a bar with Dan and Kati.

I've been really getting into creating my recipe book because I'm really excited to start cooking again; I did it a lot last year when I lived in the 'burbs, but stopped because pre-made Trader Joe's meals are cheap, quick and convenient, and living in the city offers so many dining options. Cooking from scratch is economical and satisfying, but it requires time and planning. Plus, unless you're cooking for a family, you need to be able to eat the same thing several for several meals, which I guess I don't really mind. I didn't really think about food the same way I do now before I became a vegetarian. One thing that I dislike about people with eating restrictions (something I unfortunately see in myself) is that the stricter you get about what you will eat, the more personal food becomes. This may be one of the reasons I like cooking though; I can create delicious meals that comply with my diet of choice.

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